Tourist’s places to Visit on Self-Drive Safari in Rwanda

Rwanda is truly a country with something for everyone to enjoy especially when you rent a car for self-drive. Here are a few of the many things to do in Rwanda.

Nyungwe Forest National Park

Visit Rwanda’s famous primates in Nyungwe National Park including Chimpanzees and Colobus Monkeys on your self-drive tour in Rwanda. Deep in the southwest within the Albertine Rift is the Nyungwe National Park, home to the region’s largest and oldest remaining patches of mountain rain forest, and a number of eco – system from rain forest, bamboo, grassland, swamps and bog habitats.

It protects one of the region’s largest and oldest remaining patches of montane rain forest and home to 310 species of birds. This park is the most important ornithological site in Rwanda. It is increasingly being sought out for the incredible birding opportunities, particularly the numerous Albertine Rift endemics- the highest and concentration found in any single park in Africa.

There are more than 240 tree species, more than 140 colourful orchids and more than 1050 plant types, such as the giant Lobelia. Of these plants 250 are Albertine Rift Endemics. Mount Bigugu is the highest mountain in the park, reaching an altitude of 2950m. Also within the park, is the most remote source of the Nile.

There are 13 primate species, including habituated chimpanzees, a number of mammals and a large variety of other species within the park, comprised of hundreds of butterflies and only a small number of snake species due to the altitude but also several colourful lizards and species of chameleon. There is much to be seen and experienced on a number of magnificent hikes offered in the park, when you take the journey to visit Nyungwe National Park.

Volcanoes National Park

To the north lies the Volcanoes National Park, which protects the Rwandan portion of the Virunga Mountains, a Trans-frontier Conservation Area that includes protected areas in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo and forms a complex of mostly dormant volcanoes.

On your self-drive in Rwanda you can track the world renowned mountain gorillas in Volcanoes National Park. This includes Rwanda’s highest point, Mount Karisimbi (4507m) and the two active volcanoes Mount Nyiragongo and Mount Nyamulagira.

This national park not only boasts almost 100 bird species but is notably celebrated for being home to the world’s last remaining mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. Although visited predominantly for the mountain gorillas, there are several other tourism sites and opportunities in the park and surrounding area. There is a chance to climb to the summit of Bisoke’s beautiful Crater Lake or even the hike to the summit of the Karisimbi Mountain, the 5th highest mountain of Africa.

The often neglected twin lakes Burera and Ruhondo and the nearby Rugezi swamp are recognized for their excellent water birding opportunities. Within the area there are a number of community based tourism experiences on offer, for example visiting villages, agri-production plants, an ethno botany tour, fishing with local fish man using traditional methods, or simply sit back and take in the breathtaking scenery of the area.

Akagera National Park

To the north eastern lies Akagera National Park of Rwanda bordering Tanzania and incorporating the Kagera River, hence the name Akagera. This is establishing itself as Rwanda’s Big 5 game park. The National Park was founded in 1934 to protect animals and vegetation in three habitats: savannah, mountain and swamp. Focusing on Big game, Akagera currently includes African Elephant, Buffalo, Zebra, Giraffe and a variety of antelope.

Akagera and its lakes are home to hippopotamus and Nile crocodile, the world’s largest reptile. It is recognized as one best spots for bird watching in Rwanda. The diverse habitats of the park encourage a wide variety of bird species to the area. Akagera is indisputably the best place in Rwanda to find savannah birds and raptors. It is also very well stocked with water birds and one of the few places where the less common birds living amongst the papyrus swamps can be spotted. Akagera and Nyungwe National Parks are complementary in terms of bird life and there aren’t any species breeding in Rwanda that can’t be spotted in either of these sites.

Birding in Rwanda  

Join a birding safari tour to experience the diversity of Rwanda’s birdlife and visit several of Rwanda’s IBA’s (Important Birding Areas). Nyabalongo Wetlands, Akagera National Park, Nyungwe Forest National Park, Akanyaru Wetlands, Rugezi Marsh, Volcanoes National Park and Cyamudongo Forest.

Explore Caves in Rwanda

Explore one of 52 surveyed caves in Rwanda. Formed from Cenozoic volcanic rock.

Visit Lake Kivu

Visit Rwanda’s largest lake, Lake Kivu and its many islands and beach resort towns Rubavu and Karongi. You can go canoeing, Kayaking, and wind surfing on Lake Kivu.

Mountain Climbing

Go mountain climbing at Volcanoes National Park and don’t miss the 5th highest mountain in Africa or mountain biking over Rwanda’s thousand hills.

Cultural Encounters

Enjoy a full traditional Rwanda experience including dancing, traditional crafts, archery, traditional healers, food and dancing, traditional crafts local brew at Iby’Iwacu Cultural Village in Musanze in Rwanda’s Northern Province.

Kigali City Tour 

Tour Kigali on the Kigali City Tour with your rental car and learn all there is to know about Rwanda’s capital city. Go shopping for Rwandan crafts at one of the many local markets or co-operations throughout the country. Visit Rwanda’s Genocide Memorial sites: Kigali memorial site, Murambi memorial site, Nyanza Kicukiro memorial site, and Ntarama memorial site.


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